Green and lush along my morning commute!
Green and lush along my morning commute!
It’s been a while since I updated this blog and website. One of the reasons is lack of inspiration. I have also shut down my photography business.
But I’m starting to feel the urge to great and share. Both photography and films but also painting and drawings. The latter is something I’ve done before I picked up a camera.
I also want to restart my online shop. I have some ides of things I want to offer.
I’m not going to promise anything but I can promise that I’m feeling more and more inspired!
On to a different topic! During the month of October I challenged myself to take a walk every day. A minimum of 30 minutes for thirty one days. I have so far only missed one day!
This evening I took a two hour long walk along the river in Umeå. It was a little windy but the sun was shining it felt lovely.
This past weekend I photographed Umeå Throwdown. A crossfit event arranged by Garaget Crossfit in Umeå. I love that crossfit box and train there as well.
The competition was a two day event and started with checkin on Friday evening. I was tasked with photographing portraits on Friday evening and photographing the competition on Saturday and Sunday.
My main goal was to capture every athlete in their prime. When an athlete PBed on the lifting event or making a fighting face at the end of the sprint event.
When I checked these goals I could be more creative with my photography. The second day the sun was high on the sky and created a harsh light, which made it somewhat difficult to find the right exposer. But it made it possible to play with the shadows and highlights.
I’m glad I got the opportunity to photograph the event and I had lot’s of fun! You can find all of the photos from the weekend here – Umeå Throwdown 2022
Wishing you all a happy midsummer!
Summer has just began in Umeå. I’m sitting infront of my laptop and looking true my photo archive and rediscover some of the moments when I stod there with my camera and I pressed the shutter.
And I came up with a list of five things I really long for.
Putting on my running shoes and vest fulled with water and a couple of bars. The weather doesn’t really matter.
The experience gets better if you do something you love with others. Right?
I miss dragging my long and heavy telephoto lens and tripod out to watch and photograph birds.
Some are afraid of the lightning and the rumble from the sky. I can understand that! I have great respect for the force but I’m as much fascinated by it!
Is there a better way to end a warm summer day?
Tell me, what do you long for?
Instagram is my favorite social platform. If I look at the stats on my Iphone what app I’m use the most, it’s Instagram. I’m a visual person and I love to look at images. I find ides and inspiration scrolling true the people I follow.
A couple of years ago when Google Reader still was around, I follow lot’s of blogs. Mostly photographers but also painters and other visual artists. But Google Reader was discontinued in 2013 and I could find a good service for RSS feed. I bookmarked some of my favorite blogs but it became a mess!
With Instagram it’s easier to follow and get inspiration! 🙂 Below is some of my favorite photos from photographers that I follow.
Who do you follow and were, with social platform?
Please leave a comment below with your favorite platform and photographer.
Here’s six photographers that I follow on Instagram:
By the way, if you find my feed on Instagram interesting, feel free to follow me. I have two accounts, one for my photography and one for my private but open life.
Links to my accounts:
It’s been a couple of month since I touched my camera, at least my DSLR. Inspiration has been very low lately. I haven’t touched my camera 📷 this year. Just a few snapshots here and there with my iPhone.
Some time has also pasted since I posted here in my blog.
But I’m starting to feel the drive to pick up the camera again! 😁 Here’s a photo from one of my favorite places, Tännforsen, Åre.